The Tailored Jacket… Inspired by Vivienne Westwood!!

The Tailored Jacket… Inspired by Vivienne Westwood!!


Online Zoom Class

10 places only

5 sessions. Each session 7:30pm - 9:30pm BST

Starting Monday October 14th (5 consecutive Monday’s)

Live and recorded. So no need to worry if you can’t make one of the sessions!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to create a fabulous autumn jacket with style lines reminiscent of the iconic Drunken Tailor Design.

Perfect for those gorgeous check, stripe, tartan and plain fabrics in this season’s rich autumn colours!

This is a zoom class which consists of a two-hour session, one evening a week. The first week will be an introduction to the design process and the techniques we will cover. Along with ideas on fabric choices, interfacings and finishing details!

This will give you the opportunity to prepare your materials for the following week if you wish to join in. I will demonstrate throughout the session. So you have the recording to work to during the week if you wish. No sewing in class required. Relax, take notes and leave the sewing to me!

Some prefer to watch and keep their recordings for another day. You can then take on the project when you feel ready for it. Giving you the opportunity to watch, have fun with no pressure.

We will start with a classic on trend jacket pattern to use as a basis. Then the magic begins…a few pins, a bit of free styling, a couple of drapes, then hack a few details to create an awesome design.

Tailoring tricks and techniques with a unique style. Ideal for our members who like something a little different!!

Please Note:-

  • All payments are non-refundable.

  • This class maybe cancelled or transferred if less than two bookings are made.

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